Friday 28 September 2012

Literary blog assignment number 3

     The quote I chose is: " I think my dad was happy. I phrase it like this because he seldom showed much emotion. Hugs and kisses were a rarity for me growing up, and when they did happen, they often struck me as lifeless, something he did because he felt he was supposed to, not because he wanted to." ( Sparks, 11 )

     I chose this quote because I felt it had a good a good meaning toward life. I also chose it because it really made me think because as I grew up my life was the completely opposite of his life, i had both of my parents growing up and they always wanted to make conversation with me. I really wonder what it feels like to only have one parent he doesn't even really talk to you, so in the book i was really able to see how certain people react to it.  As I was looking through the book for I quote I really got drawn to this one because it had a good word and that you really shouldn't take things or people for granted, because some people don't have the same things as you or just like that you could lose someone. The quote is important to the plot because it lets you know how John's relationship is with his dad so you can understand the story more and not always get lost or not understand what they are talking about and how they are towards each other. One literary term that the author uses would be Imagery but focuses more on the Synaesthesia part of Imagery, because in the book their are lots of different emotions going around between different characters but mostly between John and his dad. Another one would be mood because just at this part John is starting to realise his relationship with him and his dad, it is just the moment of the book.          

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