Friday 22 March 2013

Litracy Blog Number 3- Spring Break 2013

     This Spring Break doesn't feel like all the other Spring Breaks because we have SNOW on the ground. I am still really excited for Spring Break because I have some fun days planned! My grandpa is taking me, my brother and my cousin out for breakfast one day and I am really looking forward to it because I haven't seen my cousin in along time so it will be fun to catch up with him. Also, I am going to the mall with my friend to go shopping at Polo Park and then we are going to see the movie "Identity Thief" which will be fun because I have watched the trailer and it looks like such a funny movie, after the movie we are going to have a sleepover which will be really funny cause we get along really well and we have the same interests so it`s always easy to find something to do. We are also going out for supper with our friends at Boston Pizza that we haven't seen in a while which will be fun . I am really excited for Spring Break because I haven't been busy for a while and it will be fun just to relax and hang out with friends. I wish their was no snow for Spring Beak because then we could do more things but I'm just hoping the weather will be nice so we can enjoy the outdoors. Other than that I just plan to sleep in everyday.

I chose this picture because it is a very bright picture and I'm excited for Spring Break. For some reason it doesn't feel like it is going to be Spring Break next week but it is, so when I saw this picture I was getting more into the feeling that is Spring Break next week. I chose this picture too because the sparklers remind me of Canada Day and summer and that is something that I want to come soon because I have an amazing summer planned too. So seeing this picture is getting me excited for two things. I really like Spring Break because it is giving you a break just in the middle of the school year just to relax and do whatever you want. It`s giving you a break from all your school because after Spring Beak everything goes crazy because you are getting ready for you exams and concerts.
I also chose this picture because I am going to be seeing a lot of friends I haven`t seen in a while which will be fun. So this picture is representing all the things I am going to be doing with all my friends. I am really excited to see all my friends because we have been planning this for a long time so talking about it is making me even more excited. I wish we could see them more but we can`t because we are all really busy with school and sports, so during Spring Break all the sports are winding down so we always plan a day during Spring Break to see each other.

Literacy Blog Post Number 3

     In today's blog post we need to talk about something we like about our book. I am reading the book "That Summer", By: Sarah Dessen. Something I like about the book is how the author describes stuff. she is very descriptive and I'm never asking myself where it is or anything because the author always says all the details we need to know. Also, she always tells us how the characters are feeling so you don't need to try to and guess, even if she doesn't tell you exactly how their feeling just by the description you can clearly tell. when describing stuff she always is super descriptive and I like that because many times when you read some books they never tell you things and that is what I dislike about something things. Also, in this book the story is very easy to follow along and I'm never unsure of anything or questioning what is happening. That is one key thing in a book that needs to happen, you need to be able to know what is going on and some authors can't do that so it makes the book very confusing. Sarah Dessen did a really good job writing this book and those are the reason why I really like. I like the main idea about it and what is happening in the book, so the makes it better.

Friday 1 March 2013

Literacy Blog Number 2- Semester 2

     For Today's Blog Post we have to make a connection between something in our book to something that we have experienced. I am relating a part in my book which is the part when she refers to a summer that she will never forget. When I first saw this book and I read the title I thought about the Summer that I will never forget. Going into the first couple chapters nothing that happened in the book has happened to me. I am more just relating to all the times when she talks about the Summer that she will never forget. She always talks about her sisters ex boyfriend and how she felt that she really connected with her. Now she thinks everything has changed because her dad got re-married and her sister is getting married to. everything is falling apart. I can relate to this because in the Summer of July 2010 we went to our friends cottage in Netley Creek with 6 families. 12 adults and 17 children. We went for a weekend and I will never forget that Summer because that is the summer that us kids all bonded and got closer. We went swimming, tubing, and played games. I wish we would have a summer like that again because now that we are all getting older we never see each other anymore and we are all starting to drift apart. So, every time she talks about wishing that summer would come back I can relate to that because I wish the Summer of 2010 would happen again and we can all see each other.