Friday 23 November 2012

Literary Bolg Nuber 8

I am partners with Sahmara and during our brainstorm session we came up with some ideas. Some of our ideas are:

1) You follow a bunch of different types of schools without them knowing and have a bunch of hidden cameras and their is someone who is disguised and they take a walk through the school and see which school helps them out the most and give them a good time, every week a school gets disqualified and the school at the end that wins gets a choice of renovations, money, school supplies or so gym equipment. We chose it because we have never really seen a reality TV show about schools.I think the TV show would probably be on a channel like TLC. This show would probably be shown on a Monday night during Prime Time. I think more moms would find this show interesting because then they can see what kind of schools are out there.

2) There is a group of teenagers that get chosen and they have to design outfits of the judges choice for their model and the models have to wear exactly what the teenagers chose, the teenager then has describes the outfit to the  judges and the judges give them a mark out of 10 each so a total mark out of 50 and the teenager with the lowest score gets disqualified. The show would start off with 15 teenagers either girls or guys. The show would probably last about a couple months. The winner would win a cash prize and a chance to meet their favourite celebrity. This show would be targeted towards more teenagers and be on probably on a Sunday night also during prime time.


  1. I think that you thought of some intresting ideas. How would the teens in your second idea get chosen? Would they have to enter by sending application forms or take a survey etc?

  2. I like your idea for the school show but I think the show doesn't really work with having a prize. I would definitely watch a show where they show really extreme schools and it would be easy to relate to. I also like your other idea but it sounds like some other shows I have seen. would the judges be celebrities?

  3. The second one is really similar to this show I watched. Where people of all ages designed outfits and put them on a model, the model would then walk down the catwalk for five judges. The lowest score goes home.
