Friday 26 October 2012

Literary Blog Number 5

     My favourite scene in the book is when Savannah is with all of her friends at the pier during the day and her guy friend knocks her purse into the ocean and she starts freaking out. So, John dives into the ocean to retrieve her purse for her. John had just came back and he is on leave from the army and he is visiting is dad, Savannah is in Wilmington working with a group of people on a house while she is on her break from University. I like this scene because we get to meet Savannah and John together and see how they act around each other. At first John isn't sure whether he should or not but then Savannah starts yelling at her friend that knocked it in saying all of this valuable stuff that she has in it so at the moment John decides to jump in. While John and Savannah start talking I could tell that at that moment they would fall in love. I like that because then right away the book gets better because it starts right away not 10 chapters into the book but the first chapter so you get an idea of how the book will play out and you can make better predictions because you know more about the character. Making predictions for a book once you read the first couple chapters is hard because you don't always know all of the characters but in Dear John their are 3 main characters that we follow through the story and those characters are John, Savannah and John's Dad, we meet all of the characters and learn about them all in the first couple chapters.

Friday 5 October 2012

Literary blog assingment number 4

     The author of my book is Nicholas Sparks. Sparks uses different kind of styles, depending on the character some of them use slang when communicating with each other but most of them speak more business- like. For example John and his dad speak more in formal when talking to each other, because John's dad speaks in very short sentences like only one word answers " I'll probably be sleeping." " I didn't mean it literally ". ( Sparks, 104 ) When you see Savannah and all her friends talk they talk in short sentences but more of a high vocabulary of words. Sparks chose to write Dear John in first person point of view. The book is organized into chapters but with three parts, Chapters 1-12, Chapters 12-16 and 16-20. I am just finishing Part 1 so I think that their would be a reason for splitting it up into 3 parts but I have not gotten their yet. I think Sparks decided to write it how he did so far because he doesn't think and love story is written in formal and because he wants to get it across to young girls to read it. I think it helps people understand love and the many ways it can go. The way the Sparks wrote the book really got across to me, I like love story and romantic novels but not all authors I like. I thought Sparks did a very good job of writing the book, it doesn't go into to much detail but enough detail for us to understand.