Friday 28 September 2012

Literary blog assignment number 3

     The quote I chose is: " I think my dad was happy. I phrase it like this because he seldom showed much emotion. Hugs and kisses were a rarity for me growing up, and when they did happen, they often struck me as lifeless, something he did because he felt he was supposed to, not because he wanted to." ( Sparks, 11 )

     I chose this quote because I felt it had a good a good meaning toward life. I also chose it because it really made me think because as I grew up my life was the completely opposite of his life, i had both of my parents growing up and they always wanted to make conversation with me. I really wonder what it feels like to only have one parent he doesn't even really talk to you, so in the book i was really able to see how certain people react to it.  As I was looking through the book for I quote I really got drawn to this one because it had a good word and that you really shouldn't take things or people for granted, because some people don't have the same things as you or just like that you could lose someone. The quote is important to the plot because it lets you know how John's relationship is with his dad so you can understand the story more and not always get lost or not understand what they are talking about and how they are towards each other. One literary term that the author uses would be Imagery but focuses more on the Synaesthesia part of Imagery, because in the book their are lots of different emotions going around between different characters but mostly between John and his dad. Another one would be mood because just at this part John is starting to realise his relationship with him and his dad, it is just the moment of the book.          

Monday 24 September 2012

Literary Blog Number 2

     This is my first post of my novel. I am reading the book Dear John by Nicholas Spark. There are two main characters in the book so far that I know of, Savannah and John. Savannah drops her purse off of the pier and at that moment John dives into the ocean to get her purse. We can then get a feel for how John and Savannah`s relationship would start. John and Savannah start to hangout a lot, John meets Savannah's family and does things with Savannah. The two of them start to date and then John brings Savannah over two meet his dad. Savannah then realizes that John's dad has autism and she wants to help him live life to the fullest. John is surprised with how good of a surfer Savannah is on just her first try. John and Savannah really bond over surfing. Savannah really is interested in talking about the army so whenever they have a minute to talk they will start off about something else but they will always end up talking about the army. The summer ends and Savannah goes back to college and John goes back to the army, they promise to write each other every month while their away. While John is away Savannah always goes over and makes sure that John`s dad is doing ok and sees if he needs anything. The letters go back and forth and seems like it is going good between them.  A devastation occurs and John has to choose between Savannah or continuing with the Army.

Dear John By Nicholas Sparks
     One of the Protagonists in this story is John Tyree. He was born in Wilmington, North Caroline in 1977. John's Mom left them when they he was very young. His dad says that she changed her mind about being married, he always was told to keep her in his prayers. John and his dad didn't have a very good bond. John taught himself to do most things on his own. His dad had an interest in collecting coins but John wasn't very interested in coins so that is why their bond wasn't very good. John spent most of his nights alone because his dad would always be working on his coins, until he was fourteen, then he was never home cause he was out with friends. John has brown hair and green/ hazel eyes. During his late teens John didn't care about anything, he started smoking, sneaking out to parties and skipping school. During the two years after graduation  John had many jobs, he worked as a busboy, taring ticket stubs, loading and unloading boxes, cooking pancakes and working as a cashier at some tourist places. Later he enrolled in the army, when he was in the army he started to change and he cared more for life, also when he is with Savannah he is a different person then he was when he was younger. John then starts to have a different relationship with his father. John has a deep love for Savannah and you can see it in the book by the way he talks and acts.
                                                 I think Zac Efron would be able to be John
                                                 in the movie because to me they have some
                                                 of the same Characteristics.

     The book takes place in North Carolina. I got the feeling that it takes place in 2000 because he was born in in 1977. The story takes place more in the Summer because they are always surfing or tanning on the beach or at Savannah's house. One night John goes over for supper and they have a bonfire with all of Savannah's friends and family.The next night John takes Savannah our for supper on the pier, later that night Savannah tells John that tonight she is going to come and meet his dad, so John takes Savannah to meet his dad and his dad shows Savannah all of his coins and she is really interested. This setting reminds me of another book I read, it was called the last song, they meet and then start to hang out and eventually start dating. The setting of Dear John reminds me of when we go to my cottage with our friends and have a great time, we go to the beach and go swimming and sun tan and eat our lunch, then we normally go out for supper or have a BBQ and then we have a bonfire with S'mores. I saw the movie Dear John and I think they did a good job of both, they described everything and everything in the book was just like the movie, when I was watching the movie I felt like I was reading the book.

Sunday 16 September 2012

All about Me

I'm 13. I have a mom, dad, brother and a dog. I was born in Vancouver BC and moved to winnipeg when I was 1. My favourite subject in school would be English. I have always liked writing and making up stories when I was little. Some of my hobbies are, going to the mall with friends, going to movies and hanging out outside! my favourite movies are The lucky one and new years eve, some of my favourite TV shows are 90210, big brother and glee! My favourite songs are we are never ever ever getting back together and some nights. When im older I would like to become a teacher, i would like to teach english or math and teach middle school. I am going into my 10th year of dance, I take tap and jazz. for 2 years I took hip hop. my favourite dance that I ever did was when I was 8 and we did a mickie and minnie dance. If I could anywhere in the world I would want to go to Dinsey World. When I grow up I think I would like to just stay and live in Winnipeg. When I was in Grade 1, I played the piano till I was in Grade 5. I don't play the piano anymore but we still have the piano so I can still play some songs. One thing I am looking forward to in my life is getting my license and being able to drive myself anywhere I want to! One of my favourite things to do on weekends or during the summer is going shopping. Some places i like to shop are garage, hollister, aeropastle, lulu lemon and bath and body. My favourite place to eat is Serentos or Boston Pizza, my favourite kind of food is ceaser salad! I like to watch hockey not play it. My favourite NHL team would probably be the Vancouver Canucks! That is a bit about me!