Friday 7 December 2012

Literary blog number 9

1. Sam wood is the police officer that is on the night shift.

2. His character is an average character because by hearing his name it isn't like a name that stands out, it just fits in with everyones. Also, his character is someone strong becasuse the name resembles the characters and the word "wood" is something that is strong and bulk. Also, he is casual and easy going because the name Sam is something that is shortened from a longer name so you can tell he is easy going because his name is shorter. ALso, he has been a police officer for about 3 years.

3. Delroes Purdy is considered ' white trash' in the book because she lives in the poorer end of town. She seems stuck-up and wanting all the attention because hse was standing in her front window naked.

4. The man working at the diner is namede Ralph. He seems like a nice person because he was asking him how his shift was. He also seems to have small hands because when same out his hands down on the counter he said he wished he had solid hands like Sam.

5. He was talking to Sam and told him that black people act like animals with all the food that they eat when they come into the diner.Saying white people are more like the actual humans on this planet adn black people to aanilmals. He is using a metaphor comparing black people to animals. He is comparing them because he is probably saying black people come in and eat all of his food and eat as much as anilmals do.

6. The big event that is coming into the city is the Orchestra.

7. The name of the city that takes place in the book is called Wells.

8. The person that was killed was named Manolie.

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