Sunday 16 December 2012

Literary Blog Number 10

Chapter 5 Questions:

1. Gillespie did not like the way Virgil interrupted him when Mr. Endicott was in his Office talking about Mantoli. That's why he had strong hostility against him at the beginning of the chapter.

2. Virgil Tibbs respected him and acted very calm towards Gillespie as he yelled at him. He did not make a big scene about it, he just got up and left.

3. Frank Schubert is the mayor of Wells. Frank and Gillespie disagree on keeping Virgil in town. Franks wants him to Virgil in town to help with the crime but Gillespie disagrees and wants him out. Frank convinces Gillespie to keep Virgil in town because Frank told Gillespie that no matter what happens with the crime if it is solved or unsolved Virgil will get blamed for it and because he has no police power here Gillespie will get the credit for it.

4. a) "To Gillespie's intense relief, he didn't smell." Gillespie did not like the smell of black people and he thought since Virgil had been walking for awhile in the hot sun he figured he would have a bad odour and smell, but he didn't end up smelling from Gillespie's view.

  b) "If Chief Morris asked me to," Tibbs replied promptly, "I'd go to England and look for Jack the Ripper." I think Virgil responded the way he did because in Pasadena they respect each other very much and would do anything for them. So when Gillespie said his Chief said he would he said that because he would do anything for his chief.

 c) "They had a murder here this morning. They don't know what to do about it, so they're using me for a fall guy." Virgil says this because he probably knows that if anything goes wrong he will be blamed for this. that is probably the meaning behind saying " they're using me as a fall guy". saying he is the they will all blame is nothing good comes out of him staying and helping.

d) " I don't want to be conspicuous." He doesn't want to be noticed by people because if people see him driving the police car they would think he stole it or something because strangers just walking down the street don't know why he is actually there so he doesn't want to make a big scene.   

e) " I can give you some good references," Tibbs answered. "They're in California. San Quentin."
He is saying that he knows people that have had him as a police officer or something and know that he has done a good job and could use them as references.

5. Grace Endicott reacted the same way that Mr.Endicott reacted when meeting Virgil. She reacted very kind and polite, treated him like he wasn't different in anyway. She treated him the opposite way that Gillespie treated him.

6. Eric Kaufmann is Mantoli's associate and manager. Eric's alibi is he was in town for the first part of the evening then he had to leave town around ten to go to Atlanta, he got to Atlanta around two thirty in the morning and stopped at a hotel for sleep. He was awake when he got the call about Mantoli.

7. Sam felt very bad for Duena. They first got outside and just sat their very quietly but then Duena asked Sam some questions. Sam did his best to answer the questions. Sam wanted to answer those question the best he could without causing anymore pain. He wanted to comfort her and put his arm around her but he knew he couldn't. So he tried his best in how he answered the questions without making her more upset then she already was with the death of her father. Some characteristics of Duena are she seems like a very genlte person, example as said in the book " she spoke softly, but her words were clear, distinct, and unafraid". She also seemed very strong because she was handling the death of her father very well because she was OK with answering some questions about it.

8. One big thing that has been added to the plot is Virgil Tibbs staying and helping with solving the murder. For us wondering what is going to happen. Some secondary plots would be learning about the three new characters in the book Duena Mantoli, Eric Kaufmann and Frank Schubert.

Friday 7 December 2012

Literary blog number 9

1. Sam wood is the police officer that is on the night shift.

2. His character is an average character because by hearing his name it isn't like a name that stands out, it just fits in with everyones. Also, his character is someone strong becasuse the name resembles the characters and the word "wood" is something that is strong and bulk. Also, he is casual and easy going because the name Sam is something that is shortened from a longer name so you can tell he is easy going because his name is shorter. ALso, he has been a police officer for about 3 years.

3. Delroes Purdy is considered ' white trash' in the book because she lives in the poorer end of town. She seems stuck-up and wanting all the attention because hse was standing in her front window naked.

4. The man working at the diner is namede Ralph. He seems like a nice person because he was asking him how his shift was. He also seems to have small hands because when same out his hands down on the counter he said he wished he had solid hands like Sam.

5. He was talking to Sam and told him that black people act like animals with all the food that they eat when they come into the diner.Saying white people are more like the actual humans on this planet adn black people to aanilmals. He is using a metaphor comparing black people to animals. He is comparing them because he is probably saying black people come in and eat all of his food and eat as much as anilmals do.

6. The big event that is coming into the city is the Orchestra.

7. The name of the city that takes place in the book is called Wells.

8. The person that was killed was named Manolie.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

I am done Tori by Design and I am onto a new book that was suggested to me by Jessica called L.A Candy By: Lauren Conrad. I am only on the first couple of chapters but so far it is a really good book. Their are two main characters Jane and Scarlett and they have just moved two L.A and they are living together in a little apartment. If you like Drama Romance kind of books you would like the LAuren Conrad series.