Friday 31 May 2013

Creative Writing Number 3

     For today's blog post we needed to create a short story with a certain kind of conflict in it. I have chosen to have a person vs. person conflict and person vs. self conflict, I am using my same characters that I used in my other creative writing about characters.

     Halley and Connor have been friends for a very long time. They met each other in Grade 2 and have been super close, Halley and Connor are now married but it didn't go as smooth as you would think.

     When Halley and Connor were in Grade 11, Connor started having feelings for Halley that were more than just friends. Connor told Halley he had more feelings for her but she said it would be better if they just stayed friends. After lots of talking Connor promised her that he would never hurt. Finally, Halley gave in and said she would go out with him. They were going good for a couple of months then they started arguing a lot and said it wasn't going to work out. They promised each other that they were still going to be as close as they were before but that just didn't work.

     Halley then started getting mad at herself and saying if she had said "no" then she would still have her best friend to talk too all the time. Halley was acting so different now, she didn't want to do anything. I was trying to cheer Halley up and do things with her like go shopping and everything but she kept saying no. Halley would always see Connor in the hall and she would  feel heartbroken. I thought I had to do something about this because I couldn't keep seeing my friend so upset, so I went and talked to Connor and told him that he should try talking to her so they could work things out and become friends again.

     One night Halley and I were hanging out and Halley got a text from Connor asking her if he could meet up with her and talk. Halley and Connor met up at the park and talked things through and said that it was silly that they weren't talking to each other because neither one of them did anything wrong, so they decided that they were going to go back to the way things were and become friends again and go back to the way things were and just stay friends for now.

     They stayed friends for the rest of Grade 11 and everything was normal, it then came time for grad and both of them thought that they should go together but just as friends, they went to grad just as friends and came home more than friends and ever since then they have always been together and have been by each others sides through everything and I have never seen my best friend so happy before!

Friday 24 May 2013

Creative Writing Number 2

For my blog today we had to create a character and talk about the life of our character. My character will be talking about her life and things are important to her.

     Hi, my name is Halley and I am 40 years old. I am 5'6 and have brown black hair with medium peach skin. I am a middle school teacher who teaches English and Math. I have been teaching for 15 years and have met so many wonderful people through the years. Teaching is something I love doing and always try to make the learning and teaching fun and enjoyable for the kids and myself. I get to and from work every day by my Black GMC Acadia. One thing that I love doing at my school is teaching the students dance, one saying I always use is "dance like no one's watching." I graduated high school and then went to the University of Winnipeg and got my teaching degree. Whenever I'm at work I always like to dress fancy and look professional but at home I like to look casual. I don't only have my teaching family I have my actual family. We live in Winnipeg in a very friendly neighborhood. We have a very beautiful two-story house with a double garage and a pool in the backyard. I am married to a very lovely man named Connor and have been together ever since high school. Connor owns many of the Ricki clothing stores which makes us well off, and we are able to provide lots of stuff for our children. We have 4 amazing children Jordan(15), Nicole(13), Liam(9) and Cassidy(6). I love my children a lot and I do the best I can to be a supportive and fun parent. We have two fish and a Cocker Spaniel named Marley who is 3 years old. Another Important thing in my life is my best friend Samantha. Samantha and myself have been friends ever since kindergarten and practically grew up together, doing everything together. Samantha also has 4 children who are the same age as mine and also have grown up together. Samantha's children call me Auntie Halley and her children call me Auntie Samantha. Samantha was my maid of honor for my wedding and I was hers for her wedding. One thing that Samantha and myself have done ever since middle school is have a girls Saturday and go shopping and get our nails done, now we include our daughters once in a while for a little treat for them. When we are together the boys always do something so they are not left out (we never know what it is they do though, they say they can't tell us.) We also do many things as families like go on trips and go out for supper. Every little bit we parents just go out and the kids all hang out together. Our families get along so well and that makes everything better and we love that! Now that you know a little about my life you should know that I care so much about my family and friends and am so fortunate that I have such wonderful people in my life!

Friday 17 May 2013

Creative Writing Number 1

     For this blog post we had to write about our bedroom and what it looks like. My room is not a big room but it is not a small room, i find it a bit squishy with all my stuff in it but it is big enough that I can have everything I want in it. I have my twin sized bed against one wall, my mirror and desk against the other wall then my closet with my dresser inside of it and a window facing my backyard with a whiteboard underneath it. My room is a turquoise color that is almost the color of sticky tack.

      At the head of my bed I have a lime green green fabric board hanging on my wall with pictures and cards of me and my friends, I call it my memory board. Also, on the wall hanging beside my desk is my grade 5 and grade 8 pictures. Outside my window I can see my trampoline and the field behind my house. Hanging over my closet is a shelf with all my trophies and pictures or special things people gave me, like my aunt always gave me all the Sarah's angels for my birthday so I have all of them up in my room. In the summer when I have my window open I can smell all the chlorine from my neighbours pool. After Easter or Christmas my room has a very strong smell of Chocolate and Candy. My room is pretty neat most of the time but at times it is very messy, like after my birthday or Christmas I put all my gifts in my room because I have no where to put them so they are all on my floor in my room. I have never really thought I had a lot of stuff but writing this thinking about it I would need my own storage box just for all my belongings because I have so much stuff. My room always gets the sun during the day so I don;t even need to have a light on because the sun is so bright. When my friends come over we will sometimes hangout in my room depending on if it is clean and looks presentable. My room is a place to me that I love going and it always seems to make me feel so happy because it is my place and it makes me feel safe and that everything is going to be okay.